Gatiep scheme toe, “Nei my bra, djy’s mal! Imagine… ‘n Great Coloured Shark!”
Piet check hom uit en sê, “Is JY nou fokken mal, hoe lyk ‘n haai nou sonder voortande?”
ENGLISH (translated version):
Piet, Gatiep and Siphoe goes to the aquarium. Piet says, check that massive shark, it’s a Great White!
Sipho and his pro-BEE attitued get’s pissed off and asks “Why does everything have to be white, there should be a Great Black shark”
Gatiep says, “No man, you are crazy! Imagine… a Great Coloured Shark!”
Piet says, “Are you fkn crazy, how would a shark without front teeth look?”