As you approach the coffee shop, it is that of a familiar smell closer to home. It gives you that comfort and it prickles your taste buds. And yet it is not just even the coffee brewing that you smell, it’s the rich fresh coffee beans being grounded as well.
As we were sitting having a lovely cappuccino, Louis and His wife shared with us where his passion for coffee came from. Louis’s Father is originally from Madeira. Louis and his wife went there to see where he originated from. And there he got hooked on the lovely aromas of coffee. When he came back to South Africa he realized that nowhere you could get such fabulous coffee, and started to experiment with coffee by roasting his own coffee. He came to the conclusion that it’s not only the coffee that makes it good, but the passion and time you put into the roasting of the coffee beans that makes the difference.
Louis gets the green Arabica coffee from Ethiopia. He roasts his coffee freshly until perfectly roasted bean is reached.
I first tasted the single cappuccino…and the cup of coffee was a smooth sweet mouthfeel with a delicate aroma. Then I needed a stronger coffee. The double Cappuccino was a rich, big-bodied with aromatic notes with a mild though distinct that hits squarely and shades into a strong pungent of aromatic wood.
The Origin of the Arabica Coffee:
Coffee Arabica is a species of coffee indigenous to Ethiopia and Yemen. It is also known as the “coffee shrub of Arabia”, “mountain coffee” or “Arabica coffee”. Coffee Arabica is believed to be the first species of coffee to be cultivated, being grown in southwest Arabia for well over 1,000 years. It is considered to produce better coffee than the other major commercially grown coffee species.
Nowhere in our area will one get such a delicate coffee shop that specializes in roasting beans with such passion to make a great coffee.
Louis & Anette de Abreu are passionate about what they are doing and have the knowledge of making the perfect coffee as well as the service that comes with the Coffee.
This coffee is definitely for those who value subtlety rather than drama. And it’s good for the soul.