So – those of you who cannot wait until the official release date on Friday, this is your chance.
Based on writer Leon van Nierop’s hit TV show with the same title, the hot new movie has a fresh modern take! When a talented new writer is awarded the sought-after Basson prize for his debut novel he fails to appear at the awards ceremony – in fact, he seems to have disappeared.
An intrigued magazine journalist, Carina Human, decides to investigate and soon she starts unravelling the story of Jacques Rynhard’s life. Gripping stuff – and love – to follow.
In other news the Heuwels Fantasties also released their music video for Ballade vir ‘n Enkeling this past weekend. The song is now available on their album Ja.Nee.Lekker Deluxe. Herewith the link to the video:
Sinopsis: (Afrikaans)
“Moenie dink nie, doen net!” was die leuse waarvolgens Jacques Rynhard geleef het. Maar skynbaar het hy dié leuse te ver gevoer wanneer hy nie opdaag om ʼn letterkundeprys te ontvang nie.
In die gehoor sit Carina Human, ʼn joernalis by ʼn skindertydskrif wat die opdrag het om soveel skandale moontlik oor hom oop te krap. Skandale is daar wel, maar ook veel meer. En gou ontdek sy dat selfs sy dalk nie die waarheid oor Jacques sal kan hanteer nie.
Leon van Nierop se Ballade vir ʼn Enkeling is nou in ʼn nuwe, byderwetse en meer skokkende gedaante as ooit tevore.