Having once called himself a whisperer, not a singer, Nibs’ whisper is now beautifully bolder, more assured, showing an artist who has really come into his own! Possessing an inner secret when he sings, Nibs brings emotion to any lyric, whisper or guitar string. And through self-penned poems and parable-esque lines comes a strong message of hope, such as ‘look inside your heart, you were never alone.’ In some tracks he asks poignant questions, before subtly posing insights alluding to answers. At times, like an angelic prayer and others, meditation to music or a mantra as in the lyrics ‘may you shine’!
Nibs intersperses the album with instrumental pieces, all wrapped up and mastered by Dave Collins who has worked with the Jack Johnsons and Ben Harpers of our world. A bird in the hand indeed. A beautiful preened, melodically masterful bird in a very delicate and gentle hand!