Other popular musical names set to wow the crowds throughout the day include Radio Kalahari Orkes, Hot Water, Tribal Echo, Tidal Waves, Hannes Coetzee and Valiant Swart and Solms-Delta’s very own musicians, the talented performers from the Music van de Caab project.
Kaapsekos favourites like chicken breyani, venison pie, beef afval curry and Cape-style braaivleis, along with hand-held treats like samoosas and herzogs will be on sale with Solms-Delta wines, aptly named Langarm, Vastrap, Cape Jazz Shiraz, Lekkerwijn and Hiervandaan.
A kiddies area will host carnival games, a circus craft table, face painting, balloon animals and various other activities throughout the day, as well as outside water games and a jumping castle, all overseen by qualified staff.
Tickets to the Solms-Delta ATKV Franschhoek Oesfees cost R95 for early birds during January, R120 per person if pre-booked at the farm or online from www.ticketbreak.co.za or on Facebook.com/solmsdelta.