This cosmopolitan city is crawling with expatriates, many from the EU-community or NATO. International bodies abound and every UN-recognized country seems to have a mission or three just around the corner. Despite Belgium being officially a trilingual country (Flemish, French and German), the real language of business is predominantly English. Securing quality accommodation, going about one’s work, getting around and most aspects of daily life here are incomparably much easier, more affordable and less stressed than they would be in e.g. England, where we have also lived.
Not all was plain sailing; both my wife and I encountered health problems, nothing unusual after big 50, luckily for both of us, the medical care service in Belgium must rate among the world’s very best at incredibly affordable rates.
Public transport is regular, reliable, safe and cheap. Foreign press, books, DVDs and CDs are easily obtainable, as are most movies, in original soundtrack versions. Cable TV has over 40 channels, three of them from the BBC. The excellence of chocolates, assortment of beer, jazz, restaurants and cultural life deservedly are legendary. Belgian motorways are so brightly lit at night, the astronauts must be able to identify them from space! Although pickpockets do fleece tourists around the famous UNESCO-recognized Grand Place, violent crime is not really a serious consideration, by all reports appearing mostly to result from relationship complications, as opposed to criminal intentions.
The quality of life here (great gourmet food and booze, chic apparel, easy travel; by plane, car, 320km/h TGV trains etc) remains probably one of better-kept secrets of our community.
Wherever in the world you go, you may come across a few local people treating you unkindly and yet, many others welcome you with brotherly love, untold patience and warmest assistance, this is what we have experienced in Belgium, which goes some way to explain why, for the foreseeable future, there are no plans to search for any promised lands or greener pastures anew.