The movie, to be released in November in South Africa and early January next year in the UK, is a chronicle of Nelson Mandela’s life journey from his childhood in a rural village through to his inauguration as the first democratically elected president of South Africa.
Sello Hatang, CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, said: “Having watched the film, we believe it portrays Mr Mandela with great insight, his strengths, weaknesses and values. Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom promotes Mr Mandela’s legacy in society. We wish Anant and the team all the best at the Toronto Film Festival and we are sure that the audience there will be captivated by the power of our Founder’s life story.”
According to Singh he was “humbled and honoured” when Madiba chose him to be “the custodian of the film rights” to his autobiography. “We are privileged to have had the endorsement of Mr Mandela and the support of the Foundation over these years. We are proud of our film and we are delighted that it is now complete. I salute the thousands of people who came together to support us to get the film made.”