4. If you turned The O2 upside down, it would take Niagara Falls 15 minutes to fill it. Alternatively, you could fill it with 3.8 billion pints of beer or the contents of 1100 olympic-sized swimming pools.
5. Arena Polo consists of four chukkas, with each chukka lasting 7.5 minutes long. In The Gaucho International Polo tournament, all the players will change horses at the end of each chukka. As a result, for every game there will be a total of 48 horses in each match.
6. By far the biggest success of polo has been the dramatic increase of players under the age of 18. Now there are over 1,500 registered polo players within SUPA (Schools & Universities Polo Association).
7. Polo is played in over 80 countries around the world.
8. Teams from England, Scotland, South Africa and Argentina will be participating in The Gaucho International Polo tournament.
9. Arena polo uses a small inflatable leather ball, larger than the small hard plastic ball used outdoors.
10. Since 2007, 56% of new polo players in the UK are female.
11. The volume of The O2 is equal to thirteen Albert Halls ten St Paul’s Cathedrals or two old Wembley Stadiums.
12. Gaucho are the official sponsors of this year’s international polo tournament. They have 15 restaurants in the UK as well as its own-label wines.
13. Despite the recession, a typical polo audience has grown by as much as 30% in 2008.