DR: Influenza, or ‘flu’, is a highly contagious acute viral infection that affects people of all ages. It typically starts suddenly with fever, chills, headache, aching muscles and a cough or other respiratory symptoms. While most people recover without complications in 1-2 weeks, flu can cause serious illness and death, especially in the very young and the elderly and those with a poor immunity.
Q: Should I have a ‘flu vaccination?
DR: A vaccine is produced every year based on the strains of virus expected to be circulating. The virus is easily transmitted via close contact or crowded situations causing those of us that use public transport, work in office situations or with the general public to be at high risk. Other high risk people are: people over the age of 65 years, those with medical problems like asthma, emphysema, heart disease, low immunity and diabetic patients. We, at BroadgateGP , would recommend that the above-mentioned people especially, have an annual Vaccine
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