We need to look after our liver to ensure that toxins are eliminated efficiently. Therefore we need to avoid refined and sugary foods such as cakes, sweets and fizzy drinks as well as pies, pre-packed meals, fried foods, alcohol and dairy. So before reaching out for that burger or fish and chips think twice since fried foods are high in saturated fats and a major burden on our liver and hence our skin. To avoid constipation and eliminate toxins from the body drink 8 glasses of water daily, include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet especially beetroot, kale and artichoke which help cleanse the liver. Avocados are rich in vitamin E and great for skin health whilst chickpeas, beans and pulses help the body to excrete excess hormones. Going out for a Japanese or Thai meal could do you a favour since miso and tempeh are great hormone regulators! Exercise too encourages detoxification through sweating. Finally, a thorough detox to clear acne could work wonders. However, always consult a healthcare professional before embarking on a detox.