Whilst here are some helpful tips if you are out drinking, never underestimate the damage that alcohol can permanently have on your liver and other organs if taken in excess:
• Never give a drunk person coffee to sober up as this further dehydrates the body and can actually increase the concentration of alcohol in the system.
• Whilst drinking alcohol, avoid eating fresh/tinned grapefruit juice since this may increase the toxicity of the alcohol.
• Saturated fats from burgers, sausages, pies and melted cheese place a great strain on an already stressed liver so avoid those late night binges and burger stops on the way home – and equally, those fry ups for breakfast the morning after!
• Drink 3-4 glasses of water slowly upon waking to rehydrate the body.
• And finally, a little fact to remember: It takes 20 minutes for alcohol to take effect and more than one hour for the body to process it.