Malema, who announced his party’s candidate list for his May 7 performance says Rupert and the Broederbond (they call themselves the Afrikanerbond these days, Juju) is totally in control of all of South Africa. “Don’t undermine the Stellenbosch mafia. They control everything in South Africa… They control the judiciary, they control the economy, they control the land, they control the chain stores, they control the mines, they control the banks,” he said.
Both the ANC and the DA would not get up from bed before taking instructions from this “mafia”, he claims. “If the Stellenbosch boys don’t want you to be anything, you will never become something…”
Malema is also sure that his own run-in with the SA Revenue Service (SARS) was orchestrated by this mafia. He said an “only white” Afrikaner unit in SARS set out to “destroy emerging individuals… If the Broederbond says ‘this boy is a problem’, Sars (goes) after him”.
He is off course going to dismantle the Broederbond the moment he gains power and runs South Africa properly.
We have to give it to Juju. He is funny and scary at the same time, something worthy of an Oscar should he have been performing in a movie. Not that we want to use the word Oscar in any report these days. There is enough of that going on in reality TV already.
Before we get to Zille, also read this little part of a report in the SA Sunday Times: Malema told the crowd that Rupert wanted the ANC to deal with him when he was its youth league leader. He also said that Rupert controlled the SA Revenue Service. “Rupert said the ANC Youth League is like an irritating mosquito in a room and it needs Doom.”
President Jacob Zuma became that ‘Doom’ (the brand name of an insect spray). The Sunday Times reported that when Rupert was contacted for comment, he laughed uncontrollably before asking: “Did he really, really say that?”
These days Juju refers to Zille simply as “the madam”. And one can understand why if you look at her posing with her long spoon and pot stirring up something other than political dreams of building a united multi-racial opposition parties.
All we can think is: what was SHE thinking? Not even Meryl Streep could pull that one off.