Police in Gauteng are investigating several cases of theft under false pretences after young students were targeted by fake prophets. According to detectives, the suspects pose as prophets then approach young students and start prophesying to them. Being none the wiser, the students are lured with their words and fall prey to these ‘prophets’ – making them easy targets.
“In one of the cases, the victim was lured into bringing her laptop and those of her roommates together with her cellphone and she was transported to a local supermarket where she was required to buy salt and water. Upon returning from the store, the fake prophet was nowhere to be found,” police said in a statement.
They have cautioned the public, and in particular students, to follow the following safety tips to avoid becoming a victim:
- Do not stop for any strangers in the streets, let alone give them ear, no matter how true what they say may sound
- Do not take or listen to any spiritual advise from strangers
- Remember prophets will never request your personal belongings on the streets or money.
If you are a victim of this crime, police urge you to go to your nearest police station and report the incident.
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