After the long dull cold winter, spring should be something to look forward to rather than dread, anticipating sneezing, an itching burning streaming nose and red sore watery and puffy eyes.
Many people living in busy cities suffer from worse hay fever symptoms than those living in the countryside. This is because although cities have a lower pollen count pollutants and exhaust fumes prime city dwellers immune systems to react to pollens. This makes a pollen sensitive person even more sensitive.
Hay fever occurs when the body overreacts to a normally harmless substance like pollen, dust, animal hair or mould. The cells lining the nose, eyes, mouth and throat release histamine, a chemical which causes inflammation. The membranes lining the nose and sinuses become swollen which blocks airflow and causes stuffiness. It causes irritation, sneezing and a watery discharge from the nose and eyes.
Vitamin C helps the body to cope with and prevent excessive histamine release. Studies have indicated that it is helpful to start taking 500mg and increase this to 2000mg a day over a six week period of time. It is important to drink sufficient water if taking high doses of vitamin C. Consult your doctor if you have a kidney problem or take other medicine before taking vitamin C.
Quercetin is a substance that helps to stabilise the membranes of the cells that release histamine. It is a natural anti-histamine and does not cause any drowsiness.
Homeopathy is very helpful for treating hay fever. A homeopath will consult with a patient to find an individual remedy that prevents hay fever and improves the health. A homeopathic remedy made from mixed pollens and grasses can be taken once weekly through out the spring or summer to help decrease sensitivity to allergens.
Nettle tea is a wonderful immune booster and anti-inflammatory.
Cut down wheat and milk as these foods stimulate the production of mucus in the body. Wheat if found in bread, cakes, pastries, biscuits and pasta. Try to eat rye bread, rice cakes or oat cakes. Rice pasta is a good alternative to wheat pasta. Goat’s milk is often a lot better tolerated by people who are sensitive to milk. Alternatively try rice milk or oat milk.
Keep windows and doors shut in the house and when driving in a car. Use air conditioning when possible.
Change your clothes and take a shower after being outdoors to remove the pollen on your body.
Wear sunglasses to stop pollen getting in your eyes when you are outdoors.
Vacuum and use a damp duster to dust the house regularly.
Do not smoke and stop other people from smoking in your house. Smoking, and breathing in other people’s smoke, irritates the lining of your nose, eyes, throat and airways which can make your symptoms worse.
Tamara Balding M.Tech(Hom)SA Homeopath
Tamara qualified as a homeopath in South Africa and has been practising in a busy practise in London for the last four years. She specialises in paediatric homeopathy.
07880 753536