In the letter titled “Dear Government” posted on his website Cliff calls Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande “ugly” and says Zuma’s children, who were born out of wedlock, were being unfairly enriched and that black economic empowerment isn’t working. He also warns the ANC that they will not be in power forever.
The letter has been an instant hit with over 600 positive responses within the first 72 hours on his website and even more on websites that have reposted it, like The Times. It has even given birth to a new website called
Meanwhile Cliff’s tirade has spawned more public letters to the office of president Jacob Zuma with even the head of the University of the Free State, Prof. Jonathan Jansen, jumping on the bandwagon and writing an open letter to the government sparking the idea that the young radio jock has started a revolution.
As the ANC Youth League has called for 5FM to discipline their DJ, Cliff confirmed his invitation to meet Zuma. Presidential spokesman Zizi Kodwa called him after hearing about the letter. Kodwa said Zuma was “extremely worried about its tone” and wanted to meet Cliff. Cliff’s fans said if you if you didn’t know who Cliff is, you will know soon. “He is the white guy who has a lunch date with the presidency.”
In his letter Cliff warns the government: “Don’t think you’ll be in power forever. People aren’t as stupid as you think we are. We know you sit around laughing about how much you get away with. We’ll take you down, either at the polls – or if it comes down to the wire – by revolution (Yes, Julius, the real kind, not the one you imagine happened in 2008).”
Khaya Dlanga, in his Mail & Guardian Thoughtleader blog said it is unlikely that Cliff and Zuma will agree because Zuma believes the ANC will have power forever. “Zuma believes that the ANC will rule until Jesus comes back. I don’t see how they will come to an agreement, especially since Gareth doesn’t believe Jesus will be coming back.”
A blogging fan Tsholofelo Modisane agrees with Cliff. He says: “We are tired of people enriching themselves. To be honest with you, I feel we are heading straight to (the) Zimbabwe lifestyle. With leaders like Malema, as our youth leader, what is it he is teaching us? Like I was telling my friend the other day, the quickest way to get rich is by working for the government.”
While Cliff also attacked government plans to curb the media by setting up media tribunal and the passing of an information bill, chances are Zuma will now press ahead with such measures to deal with the likes of Cliff and company, some bloggers warn.
Read Cliff’s full letter here and send us your thoughts.