Weather data provided by the South African Weather Service. For a detailed forecast of your province, click here.
Severe Weather Alerts
- Yellow Level 2 Warning for Waves resulting in difficulty in navigation at sea between Lambert’s Bay and Coffee Bay, subsiding from the west in the evening.
- Nil.
- Nil.
Temperature: Fine and cool.
The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Very high.
Temperature: Fine and cool but warm to hot in the Lowveld.
Temperature: Fine and warm but hot over the Lowveld.
North-West Province:
Temperature: Fine and cool but warm in the extreme north-east.
Free State:
Temperature: Fine and cool but cold in the south.
Northern Cape:
East temperature: Partly cloudy in the central and southern parts in the morning, otherwise fine and cool but cold in the south.
Wind: The wind along the coast will be fresh to strong northerly to northwesterly becoming moderate to light by the evening.
Western Cape:
Temperature: Cloudy and cold with rain and isolated showers in the west, abating during the afternoon. It will become partly cloudy in the east in the afternoon.
Wind: The wind along the coast will be fresh to strong westerly along the south coast, otherwise moderate to fresh south-westerly.
The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Low.
Eastern Cape:
The Western half – Temperature: Partly cloudy and cold but cloudy in the south and cool in places with isolated showers along the south coast.
The Western half – Wind: The wind along the coast will be fresh to strong south-westerly.
The Eastern half – Temperature: Partly cloudy and cold but cool in the south, becoming cloudy with isolated rain east of Port St Johns during the evening.
The Eastern half – Wind: The wind along the coast will be fresh to strong south-westerly.
Temperature: Fine at first, otherwise partly cloudy to cloudy and cool but warm in the north. Isolated showers and rain are expected in the east from the afternoon.
Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh southerly to southwesterly.
The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Moderate.