1. The National Democratic Revolution is based upon the minimum demands of the oppressed masses of Azania, namely, the re-conquest of all our land and its resources and the attainment of full democratic rights.
2. The Black Consciousness Movement recognises that the national oppression of our people is a direct result of capitalism and imperialism and thus our struggle is both anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist.
3. The Black Consciousness Movement consequently adopts the theory and practice of scientific socialism to guide it in the struggle.
4. However, because of the structural and institutionalised nature of racism in the South African social system, the class struggle continues and will continue to manifest itself in colour terms, and for this reason, we continue to believe in the mobilising role of Black Consciousness in the struggle in which the black people rally against their common oppression.
5. In response to the popular struggles of the masses for political, social and economic emancipation the current strategy of imperialism as represented by the South African regime is shifting emphasis from expressing itself in purely race terms to a sharper class content, as witnessed by its overtures to the black middle class. This underscores the class essence of the struggle against national oppression.
6. The Black Consciousness Movement recognises that the Black workers are the most oppressed and exploited section of our society, and, therefore, constitute the major force in our struggle. Thus the strategy for the revolution should be based on the historical, political and organisational experience of the Black working class.
7. Organisationally, the Black Consciousness Movement will be guided in its functions and conduct of the struggle, by a form of discipline, which develops out of a consciousness which itself is a product of internalised revolutionary principles : criticism and self-criticism; democratic centralism; collective leadership; the principle of recall and active participation.
8. In order to advance the Azanian struggle against imperialism on the global scale, the Black Consciousness Movement will seek to establish and maintain fraternal links internationally with progressive and revolutionary forces, governments, liberation movements and solidarity groups.