Do you talk about the crime, the latest horror story from home or the apparent lack of jobs? Or do you talk about the wonderful upbringing it gave you, the education you received which has enabled you to travel and work overseas, the beauty of its landscape and the entrepreneurial spirit of your people.
What are you doing to help South Africa grow and develop?
But what can you do, you are only one person.
Start by thinking differently about your beautiful country. My aim here is not to get you stick your head in the sand. In fact quite the opposite. Take a really good look at South Africa. At ALL aspects of South Africa, not just the “bad” stuff. Start to notice the positive changes that are going on. Like the projects teaching those with AIDS how to grow a garden of fresh vegetables so that their bodies are healthier and more able to cope with the virus.
It is much easier to be negative as it is all around us. Instead seek out the positive; it is a far happier place to be.
Talk South Africa up; enthuse about the friendly nature of its people. Encourage others to visit the beauty and wonder that is South Africa. After all tourism brings in money, which provides jobs and therefore can help to reduce crime. Can you see how speaking negatively or positively can have a knock on effect that goes far beyond your personal sphere of influence.
South Africa has given you so much, start giving something back. No matter how small, it can make a difference. There are so many charities that your pounds will go a long way to helping (for ideas visit the SApromo charity pages). This doesn’t only make a difference to the people receiving the money, but to you too. When you give, it changes something within you, because you know that something you have done is creating something good. And try giving a little extra when you feel homesick or just down in general, and feel the uplifting difference.
My challenge to you is to give back to South Africa in thought, word and deed.
Nina has helped her clients in all sheres of their lives, from health to career and finances, relationships to personal growth. What area/s of your life could do with some improvement?
I don’t think I have ever experienced such direct, powerful results from in any discipline or from any other coach. So thanks again for the positive energy, enthusiasm and your deep, natural talent in this field. I am already recommending you! –LR, self-employed-
There was never any doubt that the sessions were about me, getting me from where I was to where I wanted to be. The sessions really produced some valuable insights, observations and solutions that produced a number of “aha” moments for me. I learnt, took action and got moving.
Contact Nina at to discuss how coaching can improve your life.