It is so simple to reach out for the usual: chocolates, chips, salty snacks, bread and cake, coffee tea….the list goes on and on.
It is our birthright to feel vibrant with health, positive mental attitude, serenity of mind and brimming over with physical and mental energy.
If this is lacking in your life, it is time to take stock!
Now is the time to put simple small steps in place so that vitality van be part of the daily experience:
From conception to old age health is determined by nutrition. Unfortunately alongside the positive nutritional aspects of life goes a process that works against vitality.
This process which takes away from vitality and depletes the body from its natural birthright – it is commonly known as ‘junk food’.
This is therefore the time and place to focus on the nutritional well being of our lives.
Here is a short 10 point checklist to enable vitality to be part of the natural experience of your every day life!
Be adventurous in your food choices: Eat a mixed selection of as many different foods as possible.
Eat regular meals and make sure that you have the time to enjoy them.
Make sure that the choices include: Plenty of green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, cabbage and celery), preferably eat, them raw in salads. Fruit – especially the yellow and red fruit easily available.
Develop a taste for wholegrain, seeds and legumes.
Get as much protein from organic poultry, fish and nuts.
Regulate low quantities of dairy products and include eggs once a week.
Keep to the basic water routine – listen to your body and drink when thirsty. This could be up to eight glasses a day but, may be less if you eat more fresh fruit. Keep tea, coffee and alcohol to a minimum. Press or extract your own juices or buy organic non sweetened juices.
Wholegrain bread, pasta, rice and potatoes are all very good sources of nutrients and are healthy. Just make sure that they are prepared properly: chips and toasted sandwiches are not that nutritionally enhancing.
Remember that butter is better than a margarine spread and cream is better than milk.
Ensure that one meal a day must consists of raw, fresh preferably organic food.
For exercise:
Walk daily for about 20 minutes, get outside with natural light. Preferably without glasses or lenses as this is where the body develops vitamin D, breath deeply and swing your arms.
Decide to cook a meal a day:
Choose healthy nutritious ingredients and stretch your creative abilities – no matter what you cook or prepare, when selecting the produce and preparing the food, adding love, laughter and thoughtfulness as hidden ingredients is the secret to great nutrition! Then sit down at a well laid table and enjoy what you have prepared.
Escape hatch – Not for frequent use:
It is quite permissible to indulge every so often, don’t let guilt guide you. If you have the occasional special treat, don’t hit yourself over the head…learn to enjoy, just pick up the next phase and continue to do exactly what you were doing before you indulged.
There is nothing wrong with the occasional chocolate, ice cream or cappuccino, as long as it does not become a way of life …again…
Make sure that you do return to vital nutrition as a way of life.
For additional supplementation products are available to boost vitality, they are found in natural Barley juice, carrots and beetroot. Natural cold pressed oils to feed and stimulate the brain are vital in the process.
For more nutritional information you can contact Roger Williamson CLICK HERE