The Minister said this when he, along with Acting National Commissioner Lieutenant General Khomotso Phahlane, briefed the media on latest developments that are currently in the police environment in Cape Town, on Tuesday.
He said it was important for members of the community to forge a partnership with the SA Police Service to arrest police killings.
“The Minister and the acting National Commissioner have expressed deep concern over the escalating attacks on police officials.
“We also note that our members have begun to embark increased methods to protect themselves especially the usage of bullet-proof vests,” he said.
Minister Nhleko said the police have noted an unfortunate trend whereby no witnesses come forward with information on these dastardly acts.
He also said that in two attacks in the Western Cape, police are struggling to get community members to not only support the bereaved, but come forward with information.
“We call upon the communities to be active partners in helping police fight crime and corruption,” he said.