The UK’s Daily Mail writes in an exclusive report that Oscar’s prisoner status has been upgraded from category B to category A, which means he is now able to hug and kiss his visitors, own a radio and wear jewellery. These are only a few of the host of new privileges he will be getting behind bars line has learned.
He will also be free to make more phone calls, take up a hobby and have a bigger budget to buy toiletries and treats. Even before his new status one prison officer said Oscar was in any case being treated ‘like royalty’.
It is now over two years since he shot and killed his girlfriend in his house in Pretoria on Valentine’s Day.
Pistorius’ spokesperson Annalise Burgess said Oscar’s relatives are delighted with the Blade Runner’s prisoner status upgrade.
His new status also means he will be able to have more visits. Up until now, Pistorius has been separated from his visitors by glass, with a handset to speak through. Now the 28-year-old will be able to kiss and touch his visitors.