Dear Fellow Nation Builder,
One of the things that binds us together behind the cause of Agang is our mission of restoring the promise of our great nation. 20 years is too long to wait to restore the promise of power to the people. The mission of
reclaiming and restoring this promise to its rightful owners will not be accomplished simply through what we say; it will also depend to a much larger extent on what we *do*.
One of the things that we can do starting now is to put our weight and support behind the *Petition To Restore Power To The People*. The petition is designed to give anyone and everyone a voice right now – to show support for six key areas that we believe will contribute to a more open and honest government.
This is what I need you to do :
I need you to organise an event in your community to spread the message and gather signatures for the petition – host a dinner, take it to your campus, your church, your local mall and any other place where people are. The
petition will be posted on the Agang SA website tomorrow but get planning in the mean time. I’d love to hear what you’re planning to do so send us your ideas on
If you happen to be in Gauteng you can also come out and join me and other Nation Builders in *Soweto* at the *Nike **Soccer Complex **Cnr Chris Hani and Mokoena street **Klipsruit *from *09:30am* on *Saturday, April 27, 2013* as we launch the Petition to Restore The Promise of Power To The People.
I, alone, cannot do it. I need all citizens of our country to join me on this mission of restoring power to the people. We need your help to send a message to the government and the country that Enough is Enough – Power must be restored to the People!
*Background on the petition (more to come in the following days)*
On Agang’s listening tour around South Africa the past few months, we have heard a common story from people: they feel like forgotten people. Almost twenty years after our first democratic elections, people feel government does not work for them and that their voices are not being heard.
This petition is designed to give anyone and everyone a voice right now to show support for the six key areas that we believe will contribute to an open and honest government. Twenty years is too long to wait for power to be restored to the people; twenty years is too long to wait for honesty and transparency from those who represent us!
I look forward to meeting you or hearing from you.