The website ran the story which originally appeared in the Cape Argus about The ANC Youth League in the Western Cape asking that portion of Table Mountain be made available for initiations.
Siyabulela Tom, a youth league Western Cape PEC member, said they had identified a piece of land which they wanted but would only divulge exactly where it was, next week. The newspaper quoted him as saying he is very confident based on research that a portion of
land will be made available.
He said he had already approached South African National Parks (SANParks) about its proposal. Merle Collins, the regional spokeswoman for SANParks, said they had never had a request like this before.
Shortly after the story went online comments started flooding in but many had racial undertones or were blatantly racist.
The site’s webmaster said the “comments on this story have been closed due to the unsuitability of many of the comments”.