Suffering with travel sickness can seriously dampen the morale of even the most adventurous of spirits. But resigning yourself to no travel at all or gritting your teeth, barf¬bag to hand of course, are not the only options.
There are many homeopathic remedies that can make trips not only bearable, but normal, free from that queasy, sick feeling that comes close to a bad babalas in the making.
Below are a few remedies most commonly prescribed for travel sickness. Choose the one that most closely fits your symptoms and use in 30c potency every 15¬30 minutes until your symptoms pass. If, after several doses you feel no better, it’s not the right remedy. A visit to a qualified practitioner will help you identify your remedy.
Cocculus is particularly good for nauseating sea¬sickness. Merely watching something else in motion makes you want to throw up, as does the sight or smell of food. Strangely though, you do feel empty and hungry. You feel so weak that all you want to do is sit or lie down.
Ipecacuanha helps to ease continuous nausea, perhaps accompanied by coughing or breathlessness. You feel weak and being in a warm car makes you feel worse,
with a strong desire for fresh air. You feel no better for throwing up. Nux Vomica is particularly useful for
car¬sickness where you feel horrendous. All you want to do is hurl, knowing this will make you feel better, yet you just can’t. You feel faint and chilly, wanting the windows kept shut.
Petroleum is useful for persistent nausea, often with a flush of heat in the face. Any sort of movement, light, noise and even attempting to sit up makes you feel even worse, as does the smell of vehicle fuel or exhaust fumes.
Tabacum is indicated in severe cases where the nausea and giddiness is accompanied by palpitations and a cold sweat which may progress to violent vomiting and even fainting. You’re probably pale as a sheet and icy cold. The slightest motion, opening your eyes, and tobacco smoke make you feel worse while fresh cold air can alleviate your symptoms. You feel better after throwing up.
Many also find supplements helpful. Ginger capsules taken 3¬4 hours before departure and then every 4 hours as needed can ease queasiness. Magnesium taken an hour before travelling can prevent giddiness. Gingko
Biloba is worth considering if even a short trip leaves you feeling dizzy for days after.
Happy travels!