Here are a few ideas to aid a good night’s sleep with the aid of non-addictive natural means:
• Drop a few drops of lavender essential oil onto your pillow.
• Take a Calcium and Magnesium supplement at night time. If you forget to take them leave them next to your toothbrush. These help to calm the nervous system so that you are able to have a deep sleep. Look for a supplement that has around 600mg of Calcium and 400mg of Magnesium.
• The homeopathic remedy Coffea relaxes the mind and stops the brain from whirring over and over with thoughts and worries. I suggest taking the 6c or 30c potency. Suck 1 pill at bed time and then repeat again if necessary in an hour. It may be taken once again if you wake in the night..
• The herbal tincture Valerian is not very nice smelling but will help you to drop off to sleep with out a morning ‘hangover’. Take 10 – 15 drops in a little water half an hour before bed. This should not be taken along side any conventional sleeping tablets.
• Banana and milk both contain the amino acid tryptophan which is helpful for insomnia. Try warming some milk to sweeten with a little honey. Drink this with a snack of a banana and a handful of almonds before bed.
• Try to eat early in the evening. Cut out tea, coffee and chocolate after lunch time as these contain caffeine. Cut refined sugar out of your diet. .
Tamara Vernon completed a 6 year full time medically-orientated Master’s Degree in Homeopathy in South Africa and has been practising homeopathy in South West London since 2003. She recently completed a post graduate qualification in paediatric homeopathy in the UK.
To book an appointment or for information on homeopathy email or telephone 0208 545 0965.