History, scenery, amazing cities, fun filled cultural events, sun and even sandy beaches. Only a few experiences rival a picnic at the Eiffel tower, cruising the canals in Venice, enjoying a few cold ones in a traditional German Bräuhaus, or dwelling the Gladiator hallways of Rome’s ancient coliseum.
Summer in the Mediterranean is summer as we know it back home; great scenery and natural beauty which bring out the best in the locals and tourists alike. The best way to go about Europe is to fully indulge in the sights, sounds and cultural offerings of your hosts. The saying: “when in Rome….” should not be seen as a proverb, but a bona fide instruction to travel as the locals expect you to do. Therefore, feel free to things a bit different than the norm and feel free to quibble about price in your best Italian, be the lead vocal in a beer themed German sing-along, terrorise the unsuspecting tourist on your bicycle in Amsterdam and philosophise about life and love at a café in the narrow streets of Montmartre.
So, getting your feet off this island and on solid ground might just be the most fun you have this summer.