I cannot be pigeon-holed and this has allowed me to connect with people on every level of society and from most cultural backgrounds. I grew up during the awkward often difficult times of racial integration in post Apartheid Zimbabwe making many friends and enemies along the way.
I have studied many things and held down many different jobs but have long since learned that all of this is just experience that sets you up for the next step in life and much of it is entertainment for those who seek to define you. What is important is that you define yourself.
The achievements I am most proud of are setting up and coaching Giants Basketball Club multiple Zimbabwe Super League (National championship) winners and setting up and running WEZIMBABWE and Zimfest in England with and amazing group of Zimbabweans from every race, tribe and background. My dream is to see the world’s richest continent, Africa, rise up and claim its place in the world and I work every day to help achieve this.
I believe that South Africa has a key role to play in this along with the rest of Southern Africa. I am proudly coloured, proudly Ndebele, proudly Zimbabwean and very proudly African.
Last of the summer festivals – Zimfest. Those who’ve been to Zimbabwe and Southern Africa will know the warmth and passion of the people they found there. Rarely is that sort of laid-back soulful atmosphere available in London, but it is on the 5th September at Prince Georges Playing Fields, Bushey Road, Raynes Park, SW 20 9NB. Tickets: www.zimfestlive.com