Netcare 911 paramedics are being hailed as heroes for trying to save the life of a dog they found on the side of the road after it was hit by a car.
The paramedics stopped when they noticed the injured animal on the side of the N14 highway in Gauteng last week. Upon closer inspection they discovered that Pittbull-cross adult female had been hit by a motor vehicle that hadn’t stopped – and was in a serious condition.
They immediately called for an available ambulance and a Netcare 911 specialised Rescue Unit was dispatched to the scene, which arrived in a matter of minutes.
“While the dog was made comfortable, a local vet was contacted regarding the incident and informed of the ambulances pending arrival. After safely loading her into the ambulance, she was rushed to the vet, who immediately rushed doggo into the surgery,” a Netcare 911 spokesperson said.
Sadly, after a long battle by all involved to save the dog’s life, she did not make it.
“We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the crew involved in trying to preserve the life of man’s best friend, reminding us that all life is precious,” they said.
A special thank you went out to the accommodating team at Fourway’s Vet Hospital.
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